Indian cricket fans were left in shock and speculation as the Indian spinner Yuzvendra Chahal known for his on-field antics and social media charm, shared a mysterious post amid swirling rumours about his marriage to choreographer and YouTuber Dhanashree Verma. The couple, who got married in December 2020, now find themselves under the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. Yuzi and Dhanashree: Trouble in Paradise? Fans first sensed trouble when both Chahal and Dhanashree unfollowed each other on Instagram—a move that has often spelled doom for celebrity relationships. In a more dramatic twist, Chahal went a step further and deleted all his photos with Dhanashree from his profile. While Dhanashree still has a few pictures with the cricketer on her account, her decision to unfollow him added fuel to the fire. Reports suggest that the couple has been living separately for the past three months, with whispers of irreconcilable differences growing louder. Though neither Chahal nor Dhanashree...
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The new jersey looks so much cooler. Needless to say I am a big fan of Indian cricket team. There has been a lot of discussions around the bowlers in the team but I guess last match with Australia was worth watching. I saw these matches live on Amit Mishra seems like an underdog who will surely and very soon show that he has got what it takes to revive our bowling squad.